What is the Cheapest Day to Book a Flight?

What is the cheapest day to book a flight

Booking a flight can be a tricky process, with prices fluctuating frequently and seemingly without reason. However, certain factors can affect the cost of a flight, and understanding them can help you find the cheapest day to book. These include the day of the week, the time of booking, seasonality, and airline competition.

By keeping these factors in mind and using a few tips, you can save money on your next flight and travel more affordably. In this article, we will discuss these factors in detail and provide tips on finding the cheapest day to book a flight.

What is the cheapest day to book a flight?

The cheapest day to book a flight can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific route, time of year, and airline. However, generally, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are typically considered the cheapest days to book a flight as they are often the days when airlines release their discounts and promotions.

Factors that affect flight prices

When it comes to booking a flight, the cost can be affected by a variety of factors. Understanding these factors can help you find the cheapest day to book and save money on your next trip.

i. Day of the week 

The day of the week that you book your flight can have a significant impact on the cost. Generally, the most expensive days to book are Fridays and Sundays, while the cheapest days to book are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Airlines tend to raise prices for flights booked on weekends when more people are likely to travel.

ii. Time of booking

 Another important factor that affects flight prices is the time of booking. The best time to book a flight is about 6-8 weeks before the flight, as airlines tend to raise prices as the departure date approaches. On the other hand, booking last minute or during peak travel seasons can result in higher prices.

iii. Seasonality

The time of year you book your flight can also affect the cost. Flights tend to be cheaper during the “shoulder season” (between peak and off-peak). On the other hand, during peak travel seasons such as summer and holidays, flights tend to be more expensive.

iv. Airline competition

 The level of competition between airlines can also affect flight prices. Airlines tend to lower prices to attract customers when there is more competition. In contrast, prices tend to be higher when there is less competition.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can decide when to book your flight and save money on your next trip.

How does the day of the week affect flight prices?

One key factor that can affect a flight’s cost is the day of the week on which you book. According to research, the most expensive days to book a flight are Fridays and Sundays, while the cheapest days to book are Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

This is because airlines tend to raise prices for flights booked on weekends when more people are likely to travel. Airlines know that many people prefer to fly on weekends for leisure or to visit family and friends so they can charge more for these flights.

On the other hand, Tuesdays and Wednesdays tend to be the cheapest days to book a flight, as fewer people are likely to travel on these days. As a result, airlines are more likely to offer discounts and deals on flights booked on these days.

To get the best deals on flights, it’s recommended to book on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, avoiding weekends as much as possible. It’s also important to remember that prices can change rapidly, so it’s always a good idea to compare prices across different airlines and booking sites to find the best deal.

How does the time of the booking affect flight prices?

Another important factor that can impact a flight’s cost is the booking time. The time at which you book your flight can have a significant impact on the final price.

According to experts, the best time to book a flight is about 6-8 weeks before the flight. Airlines tend to offer competitive prices during this window as they try to fill seats before the flight. As the departure date approaches, airlines tend to raise prices, as they know that some passengers are willing to pay more for last-minute bookings.

On the other hand, booking last minute or during peak travel seasons, such as summer and holidays, can result in higher prices. Airlines tend to charge more for last-minute bookings as they know that some passengers are willing to pay more for convenience. Also, during peak travel seasons, airlines know that there is high flight demand, leading them to charge more.

To get the best deals on flights, booking as early as possible, ideally 6-8 weeks in advance, is recommended. It’s also important to avoid booking last minute or during peak travel seasons. To ensure you get the best deal, you can compare prices across different airlines and booking sites and set price alerts for your desired flight.

How does seasonality affect flight prices?

The time of year when you book your flight can also significantly impact the cost. Seasonality is one of the key factors that affect the price of flights.

Flights tend to be cheaper during the “shoulder season” (between peak and off-peak). For example, if you book a flight to a warm destination during the spring or fall, you may be able to find a better deal than if you book during the summer. This is because the weather is still pleasant during the shoulder season, and there is less demand for flights, so airlines are more likely to offer discounts and deals.

On the other hand, during peak travel seasons such as summer and holidays, flights tend to be more expensive. This is because, during these times, there is a high demand for flights as many people are taking vacations or traveling to visit family and friends. As a result, airlines can charge more for flights during peak travel seasons.

To get the best deals on flights, it’s recommended to book during the shoulder season or off-peak travel times. Also, you can compare prices across different airlines and booking sites and set price alerts for your desired flight.

How does airline competition affect flight prices?

The level of competition between airlines can also significantly impact flight prices. When there is more competition among airlines, prices tend to be lower as each airline competes to attract customers by offering discounts and deals. On the other hand, when there is less competition, prices tend to be higher.

For example, if you are booking a flight from a smaller airport with limited airlines, you may find that prices are higher than flights from larger airports with more airline options. This is because airlines at smaller airports may not have to compete as much for customers, so they can charge more for flights.

In contrast, when booking a flight from a large airport with many airlines, you may find lower prices as airlines must compete for customers by offering discounts and deals. This increased competition can lead to more affordable prices for passengers.

To get the best deals on flights, it’s recommended to compare prices across different airlines and booking sites. Also, consider the number of airline options available at your departure and arrival airports, as this can affect the flight price.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can decide when to book your flight and save money on your next trip.

Tips for finding the cheapest day to book a flight

Booking a flight at the right time and on the right day can help you save money on your next trip. Here are some tips to help you find the cheapest day to book a flight:

  1. Compare prices across different airlines and booking sites: By comparing prices on different platforms, you can ensure that you get the best deal.
  2. Set price alerts for your desired flight: Many airlines and booking sites offer the option to set price alerts, which will notify you when the price drops for your desired flight.
  3. Book during the shoulder season or midweek: To get the best deals, try to book your flight during the shoulder season or midweek (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) when demand is lower, and prices are lower.
  4. Consider the number of airline options available: The number of options available at your departure and arrival airports can affect the flight price, so it’s worth considering.
  5. Check for bundles and special offers: Some airlines and booking sites offer bundles or special offers that can save you money. Be sure to check for these when booking your flight.

Keeping these tips in mind can increase your chances of finding the cheapest day to book a flight and save money on your next trip.


In conclusion, booking a flight can be tricky, with prices fluctuating frequently and seemingly without reason. However, by understanding the factors that affect flight prices, such as the day of the week, time of booking, seasonality, and airline competition, you can increase your chances of finding the cheapest day to book a flight and save money on your next trip. Additionally, by using the tips provided in this article, such as comparing prices across different airlines and booking sites, setting price alerts, and booking during the shoulder season or midweek, you can increase your chances of finding the best deal on your next flight. Remember, being flexible with your travel plans and keeping an eye out for deals and discounts can also help you save money on your next trip.