Is Airhelp Legit? A Comprehensive Review of the Air Travel Claims Service

Is Air Help Legit

Is Airhelp a reliable service for compensating air passengers for flight disruptions? As air travel becomes more popular, the demand for services that help passengers recover their losses from flight cancellations, delays, and overbooking has increased. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of Airhelp to help you determine whether it is a legitimate service or a scam.

What is Airhelp and What Services Does it Offer?

AirHelp is a company that helps air passengers claim compensation for flight disruptions. It was founded in 2013 with the goal of making it easy for travelers to recover the compensation they are entitled to under European law. Airhelp offers a variety of services to passengers, including the filing of claims for delayed or canceled flights, overbooking compensation, and denied boarding compensation. They handle the entire claims process on behalf of the passenger, from filing the claim to negotiating with the airline. AirHelp also offers a free flight delay compensation check, which allows passengers to determine if they are eligible for compensation for a specific flight disruption.

One of the biggest advantages of using Airhelp is that it takes care of all the legwork involved in claiming compensation. They have a team of experts who are knowledgeable about the laws and regulations governing air travel, and they use that knowledge to ensure that passengers receive the maximum compensation possible. AirHelp also offers a no-win, no-fee service, which means that passengers don’t have to pay anything if their claim is unsuccessful.

In addition to their core services, Airhelp also offers a range of travel-related services to passengers, including travel insurance and a flight tracking app. These additional services are designed to make air travel more accessible and more convenient for passengers.

How Does Airhelp Work?

The process of making a claim through Airhelp is simple and straightforward. After a passenger experiences a flight disruption, they can visit the Airhelp website and use the free flight delay compensation check to determine if they are eligible for compensation. If the passenger is eligible, they can then choose to proceed with the claim by providing some basic information about the flight and their personal details.

Once the passenger has submitted the claim, Airhelp takes care of the rest. They will negotiate with the airline on the passenger’s behalf and use their knowledge of the laws and regulations to ensure that the passenger receives the maximum compensation possible.

One of the key benefits of using Airhelp is that they handle the entire claims process for the passenger, from start to finish. This means that passengers don’t have to spend hours on the phone or filling out forms – they can simply sit back and let Airhelp do the work for them.

Is Airhelp a Scam or a Legitimate Service?

AirHelp has been the subject of some controversy in the past, with some people claiming that it is a scam. However, the overwhelming majority of customers have had positive experiences with Airhelp and believe that it is a legitimate service.

One of the reasons why some people believe that Airhelp is a scam is because they are unfamiliar with the company and the services it provides. They may believe that they can claim compensation directly from the airline, without the need for a third-party service. However, the reality is that the process of claiming compensation can be complex and time-consuming, and many airlines are not forthcoming with information about how to make a claim.

Another reason why some people believe that Airhelp is a scam is because of the fees it charges. Airhelp takes a percentage of the compensation awarded to the passenger, and some people believe that this is an unfair charge. However, it is important to remember that Airhelp provides a valuable service – they handle the entire claims process on behalf of the passenger, saving them time and effort, and they use their expertise to ensure that the passenger receives the maximum compensation possible. Given the value of this service, the fee that Airhelp charges are reasonable.

It is also worth noting that Airhelp has a strong reputation in the industry and has been recognized by several leading media outlets, including Forbes, The Guardian, and The New York Times. The company has also received positive reviews from customers, with many people praising their professionalism, efficiency, and customer service.

The Advantages of Using AirHelp

Is Air Help Legit

There are several advantages to using Airhelp when it comes to claiming compensation for flight disruptions. Firstly, Airhelp takes care of the entire claims process for the passenger, from start to finish. This means that passengers don’t have to spend hours on the phone or filling out forms – they can simply sit back and let Airhelp do the work for them. The company also has a team of experts who are knowledgeable about the laws and regulations governing air travel, and they use that knowledge to ensure that passengers receive the maximum compensation possible.

Another advantage of using Airhelp is that they offer a no-win, no-fee service. This means that passengers don’t have to pay anything if their claim is unsuccessful, which is a big plus for people who are unsure about the outcome of their claim. Additionally, Airhelp offers a free flight delay compensation check, which allows passengers to determine if they are eligible for compensation for a specific flight disruption.

In addition to its core services, Airhelp also offers a range of travel-related services to passengers, including travel insurance and a flight tracking app. These additional services are designed to make air travel more accessible and more convenient for passengers. For example, the flight tracking app allows passengers to keep track of their flights in real time, so they can plan their journeys more effectively.

The company also has a strong reputation in the industry and has been recognized by several leading media outlets, including Forbes, The Guardian, and The New York Times. AirHelp has also received positive reviews from customers, with many people praising their professionalism, efficiency, and customer service.

The Disadvantages of Using AirHelp

While there are many advantages to using Airhelp, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Firstly, the company charges a fee for its services, which is taken as a percentage of the compensation awarded to the passenger. This can be seen as a disadvantage by some people, especially those who believe that they should receive the full amount of compensation without having to pay a fee to a third-party service.

Another disadvantage of using Airhelp is that the claims process can take some time. The company needs to negotiate with the airline on behalf of the passenger, and this can take several weeks or even months to resolve. This can be frustrating for passengers who are eager to receive their compensation, but it is important to remember that Airhelp is working hard to ensure that the passenger receives the maximum compensation possible.

In some cases, AirHelp may not be able to recover any compensation for the passenger, either because the claim is unsuccessful or because the passenger is not eligible for compensation. This can be a disappointment for passengers who have used the company’s services. Still, it is important to remember that the outcome of a claim is dependent on several factors, including the specific laws and regulations that apply to the flight and the circumstances of the disruption.

Airhelp’s Customer Service

One of the most important factors to consider when using AirHelp is the quality of the company’s customer service. AirHelp has a team of customer service representatives who are available to help passengers with any questions or concerns they may have. The company also has an extensive FAQ section on its website, which provides answers to common questions about its services.

In general, customers have been very satisfied with Airhelp’s customer service, with many people praising the company for its professionalism, efficiency, and helpfulness. AirHelp is committed to providing high-quality customer service, and this is reflected in the positive reviews and testimonials from its customers.

Airhelp’s Legal Standing

AirHelp is a legal company that operates in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates. The company has a team of experts who are knowledgeable about the laws and regulations governing air travel, and they use that knowledge to ensure that passengers receive the maximum compensation possible for their flight disruptions.

AirHelp is also licensed and regulated by the relevant authorities in the countries in which it operates. This means that the company has met the necessary standards and requirements to provide its services to passengers and that it is subject to ongoing oversight and regulation by the relevant authorities.

In terms of its services, Airhelp offers a no-win, no-fee service, which means that passengers don’t have to pay anything if their claim is unsuccessful. This is a big plus for people who are unsure about the outcome of their claim, as it means that they don’t have to take any financial risk when using Airhelp’s services.

In general, Airhelp’s legal standing is strong, and the company is well-established and respected in the industry. Passengers who use Airhelp’s services can be confident that they are working with a reputable and trustworthy company that is committed to helping them receive the compensation they are entitled to for their flight disruptions.

Airhelp’s Privacy Policy

AirHelp takes the privacy and security of its customers’ personal and financial information very seriously. The company has a robust privacy policy in place that outlines how it collects, uses, and protects customer information.

In terms of data collection, Airhelp only collects the information that is necessary to provide its services to passengers, such as their personal details and information about their flight disruptions. The company does not collect or store any unnecessary or irrelevant information, and it does not sell or share customer information with third parties.

Regarding data usage, Airhelp uses customer information to process claims, provide customer service, and improve its services. The company also uses customer information to comply with legal and regulatory requirements and to prevent fraud or other illegal activities.

In terms of data protection, Airhelp has robust security measures in place to protect customer information, including encrypted databases and secure servers. The company also regularly reviews and updates its security measures to ensure that customer information is always protected.


In conclusion, AirHelp is a legitimate service that offers a valuable solution to air passengers who experience flight disruptions. The company handles the entire claims process on behalf of the passenger, saving them time and effort, and uses its expertise to ensure that the passenger receives the maximum compensation possible. While some people may believe that Airhelp is a scam, the overwhelming majority of customers have had positive experiences with the company and believe that it is a legitimate service. If you are considering using Airhelp to claim compensation for a flight disruption, we recommend that you do your research, read reviews from other customers, and make an informed decision based on your own needs and circumstances.