How to Pack Shoes for Travel: The Ultimate Guide

How to Pack Shoes for Travel

When it comes to packing for travel, shoes are often the trickiest items to get right. They take up space, can easily get damaged, and are often essential for a comfortable and enjoyable trip. From hiking boots to sandals, dress shoes to sneakers, there are so many types of footwear to consider for each destination and activity. So, how do you pack shoes for travel in a way that keeps them safe and makes the most of limited luggage space? In this blog post, we’ll explore the best practices for packing shoes, including considerations before packing, the types of shoes to pack, preparing shoes for packing, and more.

Considerations Before Packing Shoes

Before you start packing your shoes, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you bring the right types of shoes for your trip. Firstly, think about your destination and the climate. Will you be visiting a tropical location that requires sandals and breathable shoes, or a colder region that requires boots and shoes that can withstand rain or snow? Next, think about the activities you’ll be doing. Will you be walking around a lot, hiking, or attending formal events? This will help you decide on the appropriate level of comfort and style required for your footwear.

Another consideration is the size of your luggage. If you’re traveling with only a carry-on, you may need to limit the number of shoes you pack. On the other hand, if you have a larger suitcase, you may be able to bring more pairs. Remember, it’s essential to pack shoes that are versatile and can be worn with multiple outfits to make the most of your luggage space.

Lastly, it’s important to consider the weight of your shoes, especially if you’re flying. Many airlines have strict weight restrictions, and heavy shoes can quickly add up. Therefore, it’s best to pack lightweight shoes where possible and wear heavier shoes while in transit.

Types of Shoes to Pack

Choosing the right types of shoes to pack for your trip is essential for both comfort and style. The shoes you pack will depend on your destination, planned activities, and personal preferences. Here are some types of shoes that are essential for most travel itineraries:

  • Comfortable Walking Shoes: Whether you’re exploring a new city or going on a hike, comfortable walking shoes are a must. Look for shoes with good arch support and cushioning, as well as a sturdy sole that can handle different terrains.
  • Sandals: If you’re visiting a tropical destination or plan on spending time at the beach, sandals are a great option. Look for sandals that are comfortable, supportive, and durable, and can be dressed up or down.
  • Dress Shoes: If you plan on attending formal events or dining at high-end restaurants, it’s essential to pack dress shoes. Look for shoes that are comfortable, stylish, and can be paired with different outfits.
  • Sneakers: Sneakers are versatile shoes that can be worn for casual sightseeing or athletic activities. Look for sneakers with good support, comfort, and durability.
  • Boots: If you’re traveling to a colder destination or plan on hiking, boots are a must. Look for boots with good grip, waterproofing, and warmth, depending on the weather conditions.

Preparing Shoes for Packing

How to Pack Shoes for Travel

Once you’ve decided on the types of shoes to pack, it’s essential to prepare them properly for packing. First, clean your shoes and remove any dirt or debris to prevent staining or damage during transit. Next, waterproof your shoes to protect them from rain or snow. Stuffing your shoes with socks or packing them with a shoe tree can help maintain their shape during travel and prevent creases.

Tips for Packing Shoes

In addition to the considerations and preparation steps outlined above, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind when packing shoes for travel. Here are some of the best practices for packing shoes:

  • Use a shoe bag: A shoe bag is a great way to keep your shoes separate from your clothing and prevent them from rubbing against each other, which can cause damage. You can purchase a shoe bag or repurpose a cloth or plastic bag.
  • Pack shoes at the bottom of your luggage: By packing your shoes first, you can use them as a foundation for the rest of your clothing and pack more efficiently.
  • Use shoe inserts: If you have limited space in your luggage, use shoe inserts to compress your shoes and save space.
  • Pack shoes in pairs: Packing shoes in pairs can help you remember to bring both shoes and ensure they remain together during transit.
  • Wear your heaviest shoes while in transit: Wearing your heaviest shoes, such as boots or sneakers, while in transit can help you save space in your luggage and adhere to weight restrictions on flights.

By following these tips and best practices, you can pack your shoes like a pro and ensure they remain in excellent condition during your travels.

Packing Shoes in Luggage

When it comes to packing shoes in your checked luggage, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, choose the right luggage for your needs. A suitcase with compartments or a duffel bag with separate shoe pockets can be a great way to keep your shoes organized and prevent them from rubbing against your clothing. Before packing, ensure your shoes are clean and dry to prevent damage or odors during transit. Use shoe bags, inserts, or pairs to optimize space and prevent damage. Place heavier shoes, such as boots, at the bottom of your luggage, and use clothing to fill any gaps or spaces. If you’re concerned about your shoes getting crushed, consider placing a rigid item, such as a book or toiletry bag, on top of them to protect them. Finally, if you’re traveling with fragile shoes, such as high heels or dress shoes, consider wrapping them in bubble wrap or packing them in a separate box to ensure they remain in excellent condition during transit.

Packing Shoes in Carry-On Luggage

When it comes to packing shoes in your carry-on luggage, there are a few things to keep in mind, especially when traveling by air. First, ensure your shoes are TSA-compliant by following the rules for liquids, gels, and aerosols. If you’re traveling with sneakers, slip-on shoes, or other types of shoes that don’t require laces, consider placing them in a plastic bag or shoe bag to keep them separate from your other items. If you’re traveling with high heels or dress shoes, consider using a shoe bag or wrapping them in tissue paper or bubble wrap to protect them during transit. To optimize space in your carry-on luggage, consider wearing your bulkiest or heaviest shoes while in transit and packing lighter shoes in your bag. Finally, if you’re traveling with shoes that have a strong odor, consider placing them in a sealed bag or using odor-neutralizing inserts to prevent the smell from spreading to your other items.

How to Pack Specific Types of Shoes

Different types of shoes require different packing methods to ensure they remain in excellent condition during transit. Here’s how to pack some common types of shoes:

  • Sneakers: Clean your sneakers before packing, and consider stuffing them with socks or other soft items to help them maintain their shape. Place them in a shoe bag or plastic bag to prevent them from rubbing against your clothing, and use shoe inserts or pairs to optimize space.
  • High Heels: Wrap each heel in tissue paper or bubble wrap to protect them from scratches or damage, and use a shoe bag to keep them separate from your other items. Place them at the top of your luggage to prevent crushing, and avoid packing heavy items on top of them.
  • Boots: Stuff your boots with socks or other soft items to help them maintain their shape, and use boot inserts or pairs to optimize space. Place them at the bottom of your luggage to provide a sturdy foundation for your other items, and use clothing to fill any gaps or spaces.
  • Sandals: Place each sandal in a separate plastic bag or shoe bag to prevent them from rubbing against each other or your clothing. Use shoe inserts or pairs to optimize space, and consider packing them in the top or outer compartments of your luggage.

By following these tips and packing methods, you can pack specific types of shoes with confidence and ensure they remain in excellent condition during your travels.


Packing shoes for travel can be a challenging task, but by considering important factors before packing, choosing the right types of shoes, and preparing shoes for packing, you can ensure your shoes remain in good condition and take up minimal space in your luggage. Remember to pack versatile shoes that can be worn with multiple outfits and consider the weight of your shoes if flying. With these tips in mind, you can pack your shoes with confidence and focus on enjoying your trip.