How to Add TSA Precheck to Existing Delta Flight? A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Add TSA Precheck to Existing Delta Flight

Traveling can be stressful, but TSA Precheck can make it a whole lot easier. By allowing you to breeze through security without having to remove your shoes, laptop, or liquids, TSA Precheck can make your journey smoother and less stressful. However, if you’ve already booked your Delta flight, you might be wondering how to add TSA Precheck to your existing reservation. Luckily, the process is straightforward and easy to navigate. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to add TSA Precheck to your existing Delta flight. From determining your eligibility for TSA Precheck to scheduling an appointment and linking your TSA Precheck to your Delta profile, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to breeze through security and enjoy a stress-free travel experience.

Eligibility for TSA Precheck

Before you can add TSA Precheck to your Delta reservation, you’ll need to determine whether you’re eligible for the program. The TSA Precheck program is open to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and lawful permanent residents. If you’re not a U.S. citizen or resident, you may still be eligible for TSA Precheck through a CBP Trusted Traveler Program, such as Global Entry. You must also have a clean criminal record and not have any disqualifying offenses on your record, such as terrorism-related offenses, immigration violations, or previous violations of TSA regulations. You also cannot have a pending criminal case, arrest warrant, or outstanding criminal warrant.

Another factor to consider is your travel history. If you’ve traveled outside of the United States in the past five years, you’ll need to provide documentation of your travel history. Additionally, if you’ve been issued a Global Entry card or a NEXUS card, you’re automatically eligible for TSA Precheck.

To determine your eligibility for TSA Precheck, you’ll need to complete an online application and pay a fee of $85. The application process is straightforward and can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Applying for TSA Precheck

Once you’ve determined your eligibility for TSA Precheck, the next step is to apply for the program. The TSA Precheck application process is straightforward and can be completed online in just a few minutes.

To apply for TSA Precheck, you’ll need to provide personal information, such as your name, date of birth, and contact information. You’ll also need to provide information about your travel history, including your passport information and any previous visas you’ve held. You’ll also need to provide information about your criminal history, including any previous arrests or convictions.

After you’ve completed your application, you’ll need to pay a non-refundable fee of $85. The fee can be paid online using a credit or debit card. Once your application and fee have been processed, you’ll receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to schedule your TSA Precheck appointment.

Scheduling an appointment for TSA Precheck

After you’ve completed your TSA Precheck application, you’ll need to schedule an appointment at a TSA Precheck enrollment center. During your appointment, you’ll need to provide biometric information, such as fingerprints and a photograph. You’ll also need to provide identification, such as a passport or driver’s license.

To schedule your TSA Precheck appointment, you’ll need to visit the TSA Precheck website and select your preferred enrollment center. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of locations and times to find a convenient appointment slot. You’ll also be able to reschedule your appointment if necessary.

Once you’ve scheduled your appointment, be sure to bring all the necessary documentation with you. You’ll need to provide a valid government-issued ID, such as a passport or driver’s license. You’ll also need to provide proof of citizenship or immigration status, such as a birth certificate or permanent resident card.

During your appointment, you’ll also need to provide biometric information, including fingerprints and a photograph. This information will be used to verify your identity and create your TSA Precheck profile.

After your appointment, it typically takes about two to three weeks to receive your TSA Precheck approval. You’ll receive a Known Traveler Number (KTN), which you can use to access TSA Precheck on all participating airlines, including Delta.

Once you’ve received your KTN, be sure to link it to your Delta profile. This will ensure that your TSA Precheck status is recognized and honored when you fly with Delta.

Attending your TSA Precheck appointment

Delta planes at an airport

Alt Text: Delta planes at an airport

Once you have applied for TSA Precheck, the next step is to attend your appointment at a TSA Precheck enrollment center. These centers are located in various airports, but they can also be found in some other locations like universities or office parks. When you arrive at your appointment, you’ll need to bring a few documents with you. You’ll need to bring your passport or another form of ID, as well as any other documents that show proof of citizenship or immigration status. You should also bring your application confirmation, which will include your appointment information.

When you arrive at the enrollment center, you’ll be asked to provide biometric information, including your fingerprints and photograph. This information will be used to verify your identity and create your TSA Precheck profile. During the process, you’ll be asked a few questions about your travel history and other personal details. It’s important to be truthful and accurate when answering these questions.

Once your biometric information is collected and your identity is verified, you’ll be given a Known Traveler Number (KTN). This number is unique to you and will allow you to use TSA Precheck lanes when you travel. Your KTN is valid for five years, so you won’t need to go through this process again for a while.

Linking your TSA Precheck to your Delta profile

After you have completed your TSA Precheck enrollment and received your KTN, the next step is to link your KTN to your Delta profile. This step is important because it will ensure that your TSA Precheck status is recognized and honored when you fly with Delta. To do this, log in to your Delta account and navigate to the “My Profile” section. From there, click on “Secure Flight Passenger Data” and enter your KTN in the appropriate field. Be sure to save your changes before exiting the page.

Once your KTN is linked to your Delta profile, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of TSA Precheck when you fly with Delta. When you check in for your flight, your TSA Precheck status will be recognized, and you’ll be directed to the TSA Precheck lane at security. This means that you’ll be able to skip the long lines and avoid removing your shoes, belts, and laptops when going through security.

Adding TSA Precheck to an existing Delta reservation

If you have an existing Delta reservation and you want to add TSA Precheck to it, the process is simple. First, log in to your Delta account and navigate to your itinerary. From there, click on “Add/Edit” next to the passenger information section. This will take you to a page where you can add your TSA Precheck information.

To add your TSA Precheck to your existing reservation, simply enter your KTN in the appropriate field. Be sure to save your changes before exiting the page. Once your KTN is added to your reservation, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of TSA Precheck on your upcoming flight.

It’s important to note that adding TSA Precheck to an existing reservation does not guarantee that you’ll always have TSA Precheck on your flights. TSA Precheck is a membership program, and it’s possible that your status could expire or that you might not qualify for TSA Precheck on a particular flight. However, adding your KTN to your reservation will increase your chances of being selected for TSA Precheck on your flight.

Using TSA Precheck at the airport

Once you have added your TSA Precheck to your Delta profile and have your KTN, using TSA Precheck at the airport is a breeze. When you arrive at the security checkpoint, look for the TSA Precheck lane. You’ll see a sign that indicates that this lane is for TSA Precheck members. Be sure to have your boarding pass and ID ready to show the TSA officer.

When you enter the TSA Precheck lane, you’ll notice that the line is much shorter than the regular security line. You won’t have to remove your shoes, belt, or jacket, and you can leave your liquids and laptop in your carry-on bag. This means that you’ll be able to get through security much faster than if you were in the regular line.

Once you’ve passed through security, you’ll be able to proceed to your gate. You won’t need to show your ID or boarding pass again unless you’re boarding a plane that requires additional screening.


Adding TSA Precheck to your Delta reservation can make your travel experience smoother and less stressful. By determining your eligibility, applying for TSA Precheck, and scheduling an appointment at a TSA Precheck enrollment center, you can become a TSA Precheck member in just a few weeks. The process is straightforward and easy to navigate, and the benefits of TSA Precheck are well worth the effort. With TSA Precheck, you can breeze through security without having to remove your shoes, laptop, or liquids, and enjoy a stress-free travel experience. So, whether you’re a frequent flyer or just an occasional traveler, be sure to consider adding TSA Precheck to your Delta reservation.