Does Purse Count as Carry On

Does purse count as carry on

The topic of discussion in this article is whether a purse can be considered a carry-on item when traveling by air. With air travel becoming increasingly popular, it is important for travelers to understand the different policies and regulations that airlines have in place regarding what items they are allowed to bring on board. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive examination of the issue of whether a purse can be considered a carry-on item. This includes a review of different airlines’ policies, an analysis of the factors that determine whether a purse counts as a carry-on item, and an exploration of the pros and cons of treating a purse as a carry-on item.

Knowing whether a purse counts as a carry-on item is important for travelers, as it can affect the cost, convenience, and overall experience of their trip. Understanding the carry-on policies of airlines can help travelers make informed decisions about what items to bring on their travels, and avoid any unwanted surprises or complications.

What is a Carry-On Item

Definition of a carry-on item

A carry-on item is any item that a passenger is allowed to bring on board an aircraft and keep with them in the cabin. This can include items such as a backpack, a tote bag, or a purse, as well as other personal items such as a laptop, a camera, or a jacket.

Explanation of the size and weight limits of a carry-on item

Most airlines have specific size and weight limits for carry-on items. This is to ensure that the items can be stored safely in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of the passenger. The exact size and weight limits can vary between airlines, but generally, carry-on items must be small enough to fit under a seat or in an overhead bin and lightweight enough to be easily stored and retrieved.

Importance of following the size and weight limits of a carry-on item

It is important for travelers to follow the size and weight limits for carry-on items, as items that are too large or heavy may be checked at the gate and incur additional fees. Additionally, if a passenger brings an oversized or overweight carry-on item, it may not fit in the overhead bin or under the seat, which could cause inconvenience for other passengers and delay the boarding process.

In conclusion, a carry-on item is any item that a passenger is allowed to bring on board an aircraft and keep with them in the cabin. Most airlines have specific size and weight limits for carry-on items, and it is important for travelers to follow these limits to avoid additional fees and inconvenience for themselves and other passengers.

Airlines’ Policies on Purses as a Carry-On Item

Overview of airlines’ carry-on policies

Different airlines have different policies regarding what items can be considered carry-on items, including purses. Some airlines allow passengers to bring a purse as a carry-on item in addition to a larger carry-on bag, while others consider a purse to be the only carry-on item that a passenger is allowed to bring on board.

Comparison of carry-on policies for different airlines

To understand the different policies regarding purses as carry-on items, it is helpful to compare the policies of several airlines. For example, one airline may allow a purse as a carry-on item as long as it fits under the seat in front of the passenger, while another airline may allow a purse as a carry-on item as long as it meets specific size and weight requirements.

How airlines define a purse and how it fits into their carry-on policies

It is important to note that different airlines may have different definitions of what constitutes a purse. Some airlines may consider a small shoulder bag or clutch to be a purse, while others may not. Additionally, some airlines may have specific policies regarding the type of purse that is allowed as a carry-on item, such as only allowing soft-sided purses or prohibiting purses with metal frames or sharp edges.

In conclusion, airlines have different policies regarding what items can be considered as carry-on items, including purses. It is helpful to compare the policies of several airlines and understand how they define a purse and how it fits into their carry-on policies. This information can help travelers make informed decisions about what items to bring on their travels and avoid any unwanted surprises or complications.

Factors that Determine Whether a Purse Counts as a Carry-On Item

Airlines’ size and weight restrictions

One of the most important factors that determine whether a purse counts as a carry-on item is the size and weight restrictions set by the airline. As previously mentioned, most airlines have specific size and weight limits for carry-on items, and if a purse does not meet these limits, it may not be allowed as a carry-on item and may need to be checked at the gate.

Type of purse

Another factor that can determine whether a purse counts as a carry-on item is the type of purse. As previously mentioned, some airlines may have specific policies regarding the type of purse that is allowed as a carry-on item, such as only allowing soft-sided purses or prohibiting purses with metal frames or sharp edges. It is important to check the specific policies of the airline before traveling to avoid any unwanted surprises.

Airline’s enforcement of carry-on policies

Finally, the enforcement of the airline’s carry-on policies can also determine whether a purse counts as a carry-on item. Some airlines may have lenient enforcement and allow passengers to bring larger or heavier items on board as carry-on items, while others may have strict enforcement and strictly enforce their carry-on policies.

In conclusion, whether a purse counts as a carry-on item depends on several factors, including the size and weight restrictions set by the airline, the type of purse, and the airline’s enforcement of carry-on policies. It is important to check the specific policies of the airline before traveling and to understand the factors that determine whether a purse counts as a carry-on item to avoid any unwanted surprises or complications.

Pros and Cons of Treating a Purse as a Carry-On Item

Pros of treating a purse as a carry-on item

There are several benefits of treating a purse as a carry-on item, including convenience and flexibility. For example, having a purse readily accessible during the flight can make it easier to access important items, such as passports, phones, and snacks. Additionally, treating a purse as a carry-on item can help save time at the airport by avoiding the need to check bags and wait for them at baggage claim.

Cons of treating a purse as a carry-on item

However, there are also some potential downsides to treating a purse as a carry-on item. For example, if the purse does not meet the size and weight restrictions set by the airline, it may need to be checked at the gate, which can add time and inconvenience to the travel experience. Additionally, if the purse is lost or damaged during the flight, travelers may not be covered by the airline’s baggage policy, as the purse would not be considered a checked item.

Factors to consider when deciding whether to treat a purse as a carry-on item

When deciding whether to treat a purse as a carry-on item, travelers should consider the specific policies of the airline, the size and weight of the purse, and their own needs and preferences. For example, if a traveler frequently carries valuable items in their purse, they may prefer to treat the purse as a carry-on item to keep these items close at hand and protected. On the other hand, if a traveler has a larger purse that exceeds the size and weight restrictions set by the airline, they may prefer to check the purse to avoid any potential issues.

In conclusion, there are pros and cons to treating a purse as a carry-on item. Travelers should consider the specific policies of the airline, the size and weight of the purse, and their own needs and preferences when deciding whether to treat a purse as a carry-on item. This information can help travelers make informed decisions about what items to bring on their travels and avoid any unwanted surprises or complications.


In this article, we discussed the topic of whether a purse counts as a carry-on item. We covered the definition of a carry-on item, the policies of different airlines regarding purses as carry-on items, the factors that determine whether a purse counts as a carry-on item, and the pros and cons of treating a purse as a carry-on item.

In conclusion, the answer to whether a purse counts as a carry-on item depends on several factors, including the size and weight restrictions set by the airline, the type of purse, and the airline’s enforcement of carry-on policies. Travelers should always check the specific policies of the airline before traveling to ensure that their purse is allowed as carry-on item. By understanding the pros and cons of treating a purse as a carry-on item, travelers can make informed decisions about what items to bring on their travels and avoid any unwanted surprises or complications.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the topic of whether a purse counts as a carry-on item, but it is always a good idea for travelers to research specific policies for the airline they are flying with for up-to-date information. By staying informed and prepared, travelers can ensure that their travels are smooth and stress-free.