Can You Bring Lighters on Planes

can you bring lighters on planes

When preparing for a flight, it’s important to be aware of the regulations and policies regarding what items you can bring on board. One item that may cause confusion is lighter. Can you bring a lighter on a plane? The answer is not as clear-cut as you might think. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has specific guidelines for lighters, and different airlines may have their own policies. In this article, we will provide an overview of the TSA regulations for lighters, airlines’ policies, and tips for traveling with lighters. Whether you’re planning to pack a disposable lighter for a camping trip or a refillable one for your daily use, it’s essential to know the rules before you fly.

TSA Regulations for Lighters

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has specific guidelines for lighters that passengers should be aware of when preparing for a flight.

Lighters Allowed in Carry-On and Checked Baggage

According to the TSA, lighters are allowed in both carry-on and checked baggage. However, it is important to note that lighters must be placed in a clear, quart-sized bag along with other liquids when going through security checkpoints. This is to ensure that the contents of the bag can be easily identified by TSA officers.

Disposable Lighters are Allowed but Refillable Lighters are Prohibited

Passengers are allowed to bring disposable lighters on board, but refillable lighters are prohibited. This is because refillable lighters have a fuel reservoir that can be filled with flammable liquids, which poses a higher risk during air travel.

Lighters Must be Disposed of at Security Checkpoints if Not Allowed on Board

If a passenger is found to have a prohibited item such as a refillable lighter, they will be asked to dispose of it at the security checkpoint. Passengers can either discard the item or return it to their vehicle if they have one. It is important to note that the TSA is not responsible for any items that are discarded at security checkpoints.

Airlines’ Policies on Lighters

While the TSA has regulations for lighters, individual airlines may have their own policies that passengers should be aware of. It is important to check with your carrier before your flight to ensure that you are in compliance with their rules.

Policies Vary by Airline, Check with Your Carrier

Each airline has its own rules and restrictions regarding lighters, so it is important to check with your carrier before your flight. Some airlines may have stricter rules than others.

Some Airlines Prohibit Lighters in Checked Baggage

While lighters are allowed in checked baggage according to TSA regulations, some airlines may have a stricter policy and prohibit lighters in checked baggage. It is essential to check with your carrier for their specific rules.

Some Airlines Allow Lighters in Carry-On Baggage with Restrictions

Some airlines may allow lighters in carry-on baggage with restrictions. For example, the lighter may need to be placed in a clear, quart-sized bag along with other liquids, or it may have to be placed in a separate bag for easy identification by TSA officers. Again, it is important to check with your carrier for their specific rules and restrictions.

Tips for Traveling with Lighters

If you plan to bring a lighter with you on a flight, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure that you are in compliance with TSA regulations and the policies of your airline.

Pack Lighters in Your Carry-On Baggage

To avoid any issues with checked baggage, it’s best to pack lighters in your carry-on baggage. This way, you can easily dispose of it at security checkpoints if it’s not allowed on board.

Dispose of Lighters at Security Checkpoints if Not Allowed on Board

If you are found to have a prohibited item such as a refillable lighter, you will be asked to dispose of it at the security checkpoint. Be prepared to dispose of it or return it to your vehicle if you have one.

Check with Your Airline for Specific Policies and Restrictions

It is important to check with your airline for their specific policies and restrictions regarding lighters. Some airlines may have stricter rules than others, so it’s best to be informed before your flight.

Keep in mind the Purpose of the Lighter

Keep in mind the purpose of the lighter you are carrying, whether it’s for smoking or camping. Some airlines may allow lighters for specific purposes but not for others, so it’s best to check with them.


In conclusion, while lighters are allowed on planes by the TSA, there are specific regulations and guidelines that passengers should be aware of. Lighters are allowed in both carry-on and checked baggage, but they must be placed in a clear, quart-sized bag along with other liquids when going through security checkpoints. Disposable lighters are allowed on board, but refillable lighters are prohibited due to the risk they pose during air travel. However, airlines may have their own policies regarding lighters and it’s important to check with the specific carrier before the flight. Some airlines may prohibit lighters in checked baggage or may have other restrictions for lighters in carry-on baggage. To ensure a smooth experience when traveling with a lighter, it is recommended to pack it in your carry-on baggage, dispose of it at security checkpoints if it’s not allowed on board, check with your airline for specific policies and restrictions and keep in mind the purpose of the lighter you are carrying. Remember that the TSA is not responsible for any items that are discarded at security checkpoints. By keeping these guidelines and tips in mind, you can avoid any issues and make sure that your lighter is allowed on your flight.