Can you Text on a Plane?

can u text on a plane

Texting on an airplane has become a popular way for passengers to stay connected while traveling. With the advent of in-flight Wi-Fi and the ability to use cellular data at high altitudes, many people assume that texting on a plane is just like texting on the ground. However, there are still some important factors to consider when it comes to using your phone or other electronic devices on an airplane. This article will explore the different options for in-flight texting, including airline-provided services and third-party options, as well as the regulations and restrictions that apply. We’ll also take a look at how to text on a plane when you don’t have internet connectivity. Whether you’re looking to stay in touch with family or conduct business while in the air, this guide will provide all the information you need to safely and effectively text on a plane.

In-flight Texting Services

In-flight texting services allow passengers to send and receive text messages while on an airplane. These services can be provided by the airline itself or by a third-party company.

Airline-provided Texting Services

Many airlines now offer in-flight texting services as part of their inflight entertainment options. These services typically use the airplane’s Wi-Fi network to send and receive text messages, and may also allow for SMS messaging using a dedicated number. Passengers can usually access these services using their own mobile devices and may be required to pay an additional fee for the service.

Third-Party In-flight Texting Services

There are also third-party companies that offer in-flight texting services, which can be used by passengers on any airline. These services use a special device or app to send and receive text messages, and may also offer additional features such as voicemail and email. Passengers may need to purchase or rent the device or app in order to use the service, and may also be required to pay a per-message fee.

It’s worth noting that some airlines may have their own rules and regulations regarding the use of third-party in-flight texting services on their flights. It’s always important to check with the airline before using such services, as well as to be aware of the fees associated with it.

Texting on a Plane using a Mobile Device

Texting on a plane using a mobile device is possible with the advancement of in-flight Wi-Fi and cellular technology. However, it’s important to understand the different options and limitations that apply.

Using Cellular Data on a Plane

Many modern airplanes are equipped with cellular technology that allows passengers to use their mobile devices to send and receive text messages while in flight. This is known as “air-to-ground” or “ATG” technology. However, this service is not available on all flights, and may not be available in certain regions. It’s also worth noting that using cellular data on a plane can be very expensive and that it may be more cost-effective to use Wi-Fi instead.

Using Wi-Fi on a Plane

In-flight Wi-Fi is becoming more common on airplanes and allows passengers to connect to the internet and use apps such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or Facebook messenger to send and receive text messages while in flight. However, the availability and quality of in-flight Wi-Fi can vary greatly depending on the airline and the flight route. Passengers may need to purchase a Wi-Fi package or pay a per-message fee to use this service.

Texting on a Plane without Internet Connectivity

If internet connectivity is not available on a plane, passengers can still send and receive text messages using their mobile device’s SMS or MMS capabilities. However, this service will only work if the airplane is in range of a cellular tower, and may be subject to additional fees or restrictions.

It’s worth noting that the rules and regulations regarding the use of electronic devices on airplanes can vary depending on the airline and the country. Passengers should always check with the airline and comply with any instructions provided by the flight crew regarding the use of mobile devices on a plane.

Regulations and Restrictions for Texting on a Plane

Texting on a plane is subject to various regulations and restrictions set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and individual airlines. It’s important to understand these rules in order to safely and legally text on a plane.

FAA Regulations on In-flight Electronic Device Use

The FAA has specific regulations regarding the use of electronic devices on airplanes. In general, electronic devices must be in “airplane mode” during takeoff and landing and may be used during the flight as long as they do not interfere with the airplane’s navigation and communication systems. However, the use of cellular data or voice calls is generally prohibited during flight.

Airline Policies on Texting on a Plane

Each airline may have its own policies and procedures regarding the use of electronic devices on its flights. These policies may vary depending on the type of flight, the destination, and other factors. Passengers should always check with the airline prior to their flight to understand what is permitted and what is not.

International Regulations for Texting on a Plane

The rules and regulations for texting on a plane can also vary depending on the country. Passengers should be aware of the laws and regulations of the country they are flying to or from, as well as the airline’s policy, as they may be different from those of the country they are departing from. It’s always important to check with the airline and comply with any instructions provided by the flight crew regarding the use of mobile devices on a plane.

Overall, it’s important to be aware of the regulations and restrictions for texting on a plane and to comply with any instructions provided by the flight crew. This will ensure a safe and pleasant flight experience for all passengers.


In conclusion, texting on a plane has become a popular way for passengers to stay connected while traveling. With the advancement of in-flight Wi-Fi and cellular technology, it’s now possible to send and receive text messages while in flight. However, it’s important to understand the different options and limitations that apply, including airline-provided services, third-party options, and the regulations and restrictions set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and individual airlines. Passengers should also be aware of the laws and regulations of the country they are flying to or from, as well as the airline’s policy, as they may be different from those of the country they are departing from. By following these guidelines, passengers can safely and effectively text on a plane and stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues while in the air.