Can I Bring Lip Gloss on a Plane

Can i bring lip glass on a plane

Lip gloss is a popular cosmetic item that is often carried in a purse or makeup bag for touch-ups throughout the day. While it may seem small and simple, the question of whether lip gloss is allowed on a plane can be a bit more complicated.

 In this article, we’ll explore the regulations and restrictions for carrying lip gloss on a flight, as well as provide tips for packing and traveling with this essential item.

Can You Bring Lip Gloss on a Plane?

According to the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), all liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes in carry-on bags must follow the 3-1-1 rule. This means that each item must be in a container that holds 3.4 ounces or less, all containers must be placed in a single, clear, plastic quart-sized bag, and one bag per passenger is allowed in the carry-on and checked bags.

Exceptions to the 3-1-1 rule include medications, baby formula, and breast milk. If you need to carry a larger quantity of these items, you should declare them to TSA officers for inspection at the security checkpoint.

If you have more lip gloss than the 3-1-1 rule allows, you may consider packing it in your checked luggage. However, it’s important to note that checked bags are subject to additional screening and may be opened, so be sure to pack your lip gloss securely.

How to Pack Lip Gloss for a Flight

To ensure that your lip gloss is packed correctly, follow these steps:

  • Use a clear, plastic bag: Place all your lip gloss containers in a single, clear, plastic quart-sized bag, as required by TSA regulations.
  • Transfer lip gloss to a smaller container: If your lip gloss comes in a larger container, consider transferring some of it to a smaller, travel-sized container that meets the 3.4 ounces or less rule.
  • Pack lip gloss securely in your carry-on bag: Secure your quart-sized bag of lip gloss in an easily accessible pocket of your carry-on bag for inspection at the security checkpoint.

Tips for Traveling with Lip Gloss

In addition to packing your lip gloss correctly, here are some tips for traveling with this essential item:

  • Store lip gloss in a cool, dry place: To avoid melting or spilling, store your lip gloss in a cool, dry place during the flight.
  • Choose a long-lasting lip gloss: Opt for a long-lasting lip gloss that will last through the flight and your travels.
  • Pack other essentials for touch-ups: In addition to lip gloss, consider packing other essentials for touch-ups, such as a compact mirror, tissues, and makeup remover wipes.


Lip gloss is an essential item for many travelers, but it can also be subject to restrictions and regulations. By following the 3-1-1 rule and packing your lip gloss securely in your carry-on bag, you can ensure that your lip gloss is allowed on your flight. Additionally, by choosing a long-lasting lip gloss and packing other essentials for touch-ups, you can ensure that you’re always looking and feeling your best while traveling.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to check the TSA website for the latest regulations and restrictions, as these can change from time to time.