Checking a Cooler as Luggage: Can You Check a Cooler as Luggage?

Can You Check a Cooler as Luggage

A cooler is an essential item for many people, especially for those who love outdoor activities like camping, fishing, or picnicking. But what about when you are traveling? Can you check a cooler as luggage on an airplane? In this blog post, we will discuss the ins and outs of checking a cooler as luggage. From what airlines allow coolers to be checked as luggage, to the pros and cons of doing so, to the best way to prepare your cooler for travel, we’ll cover it all. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a beginner, this post will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about traveling with a cooler.

What is a Cooler and its Purpose

A cooler is a portable container that is designed to keep food and drinks cool and fresh. It is often made of plastic, metal, or a combination of materials, and typically has a tight-fitting lid and insulation to prevent heat transfer. Coolers come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from small personal coolers that can fit in a backpack, to large coolers that are big enough to hold several days’ worth of food and drinks. The purpose of a cooler is to keep perishable items fresh, especially when they need to be transported over long distances or kept cool for an extended period of time. This is especially important for outdoor activities like camping, fishing, or picnicking where refrigeration is not available. Coolers also play a crucial role in food safety, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and ensuring that food is stored at the correct temperature. Aside from outdoor activities, coolers are also useful for everyday life.

For example, families may use a cooler to transport food and drinks to a picnic or a day at the beach. Businesses may use coolers to transport food and drinks to events, while sports teams may use them to keep energy drinks cold during games. The versatility of coolers means that they can be used in a variety of different situations, making them a valuable tool for anyone who needs to keep food and drinks fresh and cool.

Coolers as Checked Luggage: The Pros and Cons

Can You Check a Cooler as Luggage

Checking a cooler as luggage on an airplane can be a convenient and practical way to transport food and drinks, but it also has its own set of pros and cons. One of the main advantages of checking a cooler as luggage is that it frees up space in the cabin, allowing you to bring other items with you on the flight. Additionally, checked coolers are less likely to be damaged or lost during the flight since they are stored in the cargo hold of the airplane. However, there are also several disadvantages to consider when checking a cooler as luggage. For example, airlines may charge a fee for checking an oversized cooler, or they may have restrictions on the type of cooler that can be checked. Additionally, coolers are not always treated gently by airport baggage handlers, and they may arrive at your destination with scratches, dents, or even broken items. Another thing to consider is that checked coolers may not be immediately accessible once you arrive at your destination, as you will need to wait for baggage claim.

Additionally, if your cooler contains perishable items, there is a risk that they will spoil if the temperature in the cargo hold is too warm or if there is a delay in the flight. Despite these disadvantages, checking a cooler as luggage can still be a viable option for those who need to transport a large amount of food and drinks. However, it’s important to do your research and find out the policies of the airline you are flying with, as well as the regulations for transporting perishable items. It’s also a good idea to pack your cooler carefully, using extra padding and insulation to protect its contents, and labeling it clearly so that it can be easily identified. In conclusion, checking a cooler as luggage on an airplane can be a convenient option for those who need to transport a large amount of food and drinks. However, it’s important to consider the pros and cons, as well as the policies and regulations of the airline you are flying with, to ensure a smooth and successful travel experience with your cooler.

Airlines that Allow Checking Coolers as Luggage

Not all airlines allow coolers to be checked as luggage, so it’s important to do your research and find out the policies of the airline you are flying with. Some airlines, such as Southwest and Delta, allow coolers to be checked as long as they meet certain size requirements and do not contain any hazardous materials. Other airlines, such as American Airlines and United, have more restrictive policies and may not allow coolers to be checked as luggage at all. It’s also important to keep in mind that the regulations for checked baggage can vary depending on the destination you are traveling to, as well as the airline you are flying with. Some airlines may have restrictions on the size and weight of checked coolers, while others may have restrictions on the type of items that can be stored inside. For example, some airlines may not allow perishable items to be checked as luggage, while others may require that these items be properly packaged and labeled. Before checking a cooler as luggage, it’s important to research the policies of the airline you are flying with and to check with their customer service department if you have any questions or concerns. By doing so, you can ensure that you are fully prepared and that your cooler will be accepted as checked baggage on your flight.

Preparing Your Cooler for Check-in

Preparing your cooler for check-in requires a bit of extra care and attention to ensure that its contents stay safe and protected during transit. Before packing your cooler, be sure to clean it thoroughly and to line it with extra padding or insulation to protect its contents. This can include items like ice packs, towels, or bubble wrap. It’s also important to consider the items you are packing inside your cooler. If you are transporting perishable items, be sure to package them properly and to include any necessary labeling or documentation. This can include items like refrigerated or frozen food, or drinks that require special handling. When packing your cooler, it’s a good idea to use airtight containers and to pack items securely to prevent shifting during transit. Additionally, be sure to keep any sharp or pointed items, such as kitchen utensils, separate from the food and drinks to prevent damage to the cooler or its contents. Finally, be sure to label your cooler clearly and to attach any necessary baggage tags or identification stickers. This will help ensure that your cooler is easily identifiable once it reaches the baggage claim area. In conclusion, preparing your cooler for check-in requires a bit of extra care and attention to ensure that its contents stay safe and protected during transit. By researching the policies of the airline you are flying with, packing your cooler carefully, and labeling it clearly, you can help ensure a successful travel experience with your cooler.

Cooler Size Restrictions

When it comes to checking a cooler as luggage, size restrictions can vary depending on the airline you are flying with. Some airlines may have restrictions on the size of checked coolers, while others may allow coolers of any size to be checked as long as they meet certain weight requirements. It’s important to check with the airline you are flying with to find out their specific size restrictions for checked coolers. Some airlines may have a maximum length, width, and height for checked coolers, while others may have restrictions on the total linear dimensions (length + width + height). In general, it’s a good idea to choose a cooler that is compact and lightweight, as this will make it easier to transport and check as luggage. If you are traveling with a large cooler, be sure to check with the airline to find out their specific size restrictions and to ensure that your cooler meets their requirements.


Traveling with a cooler can be a convenient and practical way to transport food and drinks. However, it’s important to be aware of the restrictions and guidelines set by airlines to avoid any unexpected issues. By following the tips and suggestions in this post, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience when traveling with a cooler. Whether you are checking your cooler as luggage or bringing it onboard, always remember to label it and pack it carefully to protect its contents. In the end, with a little preparation and research, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cooler and its contents will arrive at your destination in the same condition as when you left.