How to Add a Pet to a Delta Flight With Ease: An Ultimate Guide

How to Add a Pet to a Delta Flight

Are you and your furry best friend ready for an adventure? If you’re considering travelling with your pet on Delta Airlines, you’re in for a treat! From the comfort of in-cabin travel to exploring new destinations, travelling with your pet on Delta can be a memorable experience. However, it’s important to understand the requirements, preparation, and booking process for a smooth and stress-free trip for both you and your pet. This guide will take you through everything you need to know to add a pet to your Delta flight and make the experience enjoyable for everyone.

Requirements for Travelling with Pets on Delta

Before you and your pet embark on your next adventure, it’s important to understand the requirements for travelling with pets on Delta. Delta Airlines allows a variety of pets, including cats and dogs, to travel in the cabin or as checked baggage. However, there are some restrictions based on the type of pet, size, health, and documentation.

The pet policy for Delta Airlines requires that all pets be trained, healthy, and well-behaved. This means that pets should be comfortable with travel, not exhibit any aggressive behaviour, and be free of any contagious diseases. To ensure the health and safety of all passengers and pets, Delta may refuse to transport animals that are too young, too old, or in poor health.

In terms of size, pets that are small enough to fit comfortably in a carrier under the seat in front of you are allowed to travel in the cabin. The maximum dimensions for carriers in-cabin are 17.5″ L x 12.5″ W x 7.5″ H, and the maximum weight including the pet and carrier is 20 pounds. For pets that are too large to travel in the cabin, they can travel as checked baggage.

In addition to meeting the requirements of Delta’s pet policy, all pets must also have the required documentation, including a health certificate issued by a veterinarian, proof of rabies vaccination, and any other required documentation based on the destination. It’s important to check with Delta and the local authorities at your destination to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation for your pet to travel.

Preparing Your Pet for a Flight

Travelling with your pet can be a great experience for both of you, but it can also be stressful for your pet if they are not used to travelling. To help prepare your pet for the flight, it’s important to start by training them to be comfortable in their carrier, around people and other animals, and in new environments.

When it comes to packing for your pet, it’s important to bring everything they need to feel comfortable and secure during the flight, including food, water, toys, and a blanket. You may also want to bring some treats or a special toy to keep them calm during the flight.

Comfort measures for your pet during the flight include ensuring that their carrier is big enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, and providing adequate ventilation. To help reduce anxiety and stress during the flight, you can also consider using a calming aid or using a product that mimics the pheromones produced by the mother to comfort and calm her puppies.

Booking a Delta Flight with a Pet

A dog wearing sunglasses

Alt Text: A dog wearing sunglasses

When it comes to booking a Delta flight with a pet, it’s important to understand the cost and process involved. The cost of travelling with a pet on Delta varies based on the type of travel, whether it’s in-cabin or as checked baggage, and the destination.

To add a pet to your booking, you can call Delta’s Reservations centre, book online through the Delta website, or visit a Delta ticket counter. When booking, you will need to specify whether your pet will be travelling in the cabin or as checked baggage and provide the necessary information about your pet, including their breed, size, and weight.

It’s also important to note that there may be restrictions on the number of pets allowed on a flight, so it’s a good idea to book early to ensure that there is space for your pet. In some cases, a health certificate may also be required at the time of booking, so be sure to check with Delta before making your reservation.

Once your reservation is confirmed, it’s important to familiarize yourself with Delta’s pet policy and requirements, including the size and type of carrier allowed, and to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation for your pet to travel. You should also contact the airline in advance of your flight to make any special requests or arrangements for your pet.

At the Airport

Arriving at the airport with your pet can be a stressful experience, but with a little preparation and planning, it can be a breeze. Before leaving for the airport, make sure you have all the necessary items for your pet, including their leash, food, and any medications they may need. It’s also a good idea to bring along a familiar blanket or toy to provide comfort for your pet during the flight.

When you arrive at the airport, proceed to the Delta ticket counter to check in for your flight. Be sure to have your pet’s carrier and any required documentation with you. If your pet is travelling in the cabin, it will need to be in a carrier that fits under the seat in front of you. If your pet is travelling as checked baggage, it will need to be in an approved carrier that meets Delta’s size and weight requirements.

Once you’ve checked in, proceed to the security checkpoint, where you and your pet will need to go through a security screening. After clearing security, proceed to your departure gate and wait for your flight to be called.

During the Flight

When travelling with a pet on Delta, it’s important to keep in mind that your pet will need special care and attention during the flight. If your pet is travelling in the cabin, it will need to remain in its carrier under the seat in front of you for the duration of the flight. If your pet is travelling as checked baggage, it will be transported in the cargo hold of the aircraft.

Regardless of whether your pet is travelling in the cabin or as checked baggage, it’s important to ensure that they have enough food and water to last the duration of the flight. You should also take time to provide comfort and reassurance to your pet, especially during takeoff and landing, which can be stressful for some animals.

It’s also a good idea to inform the flight crew of your pet’s presence and to provide them with any special instructions or requests you may have. Delta flight crews are trained to provide special care to pets travelling with the airline and are always happy to help ensure a comfortable and stress-free flight.

Arrival at Your Destination

Upon arrival at your destination, your pet will be returned to you either at the gate or in the baggage claim area, depending on whether they were travelling in the cabin or as checked baggage. Before leaving the airport, take a few minutes to allow your pet to adjust to their new surroundings and to provide them with food, water, and a potty break if needed.

It’s also important to familiarize yourself with the local regulations and requirements for pet owners in your destination, including any quarantine requirements or vaccination requirements. You should also make arrangements for your pet’s care and transportation while you are away from home.

With a little preparation and planning, travelling with your pet on Delta can be an enjoyable and stress-free experience for both of you. So, book your flight today and start exploring new destinations with your furry best friend by your side!

Tips for Travelling with Pets on Delta

Travelling with your pet can be a fun and exciting experience, but it’s important to be prepared and to plan ahead to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey. Here are some tips to help make your pet’s travel experience on Delta as comfortable and enjoyable as possible:

  • Choose the right carrier: When traveling with a pet, it’s important to choose the right carrier to ensure your pet’s comfort and safety. Delta has specific size and weight requirements for pet carriers, so be sure to check their website for more information.
  • Book early: To ensure your pet has a spot on your flight, it’s a good idea to book as early as possible. Delta allows a limited number of pets on each flight, so book your flight and make arrangements for your pet’s travel as soon as you can.
  • Familiarize your pet with the carrier: Before travelling, it’s a good idea to let your pet spend some time in their carrier so they become comfortable with it. You can place treats and toys in the carrier to encourage them to explore and to provide comfort.
  • Pack plenty of food and water: Pets can get dehydrated during flights, so make sure you pack plenty of water and food for your pet. You should also bring along any medications or special dietary needs your pet may have.
  • Provide comfort and reassurance: Pets can get anxious during flights, so it’s important to provide comfort and reassurance to your pet during the flight. You can do this by talking to your pet, petting them, and providing familiar items like toys or a blanket.

Common Questions About Travelling with Pets on Delta

Travelling with a pet on Delta can be a new and unfamiliar experience, and it’s natural to have questions and concerns. Here are some of the most common questions about travelling with pets on Delta, along with answers to help make your journey a success:

  • How many pets are allowed on a Delta flight? Delta allows a limited number of pets on each flight, and the number of pets allowed varies depending on the aircraft type and route. Check the Delta website for more information about the specific number of pets allowed on your flight.
  • Is there a fee for travelling with a pet on Delta? Yes, there is a fee for travelling with a pet on Delta, and the amount of the fee varies depending on whether your pet is traveling in the cabin or as checked baggage. Check the Delta website for more information about pet travel fees.
  • Can I bring my pet on a Delta international flight? Yes, you can bring your pet on a Delta international flight, but you will need to meet certain requirements, including vaccinations, health certificates, and quarantine regulations. Check the Delta website and the regulations in the country you’re traveling to for more information.
  • What should I pack for my pet when travelling on Delta? When travelling with a pet on Delta, it’s important to pack plenty of food, water, and any medications your pet may need. You should also bring a leash, collar, and any other items your pet may need, such as a familiar blanket or toy.
  • What should I do if my pet gets sick or injured during the flight? In the unlikely event that your pet gets sick or injured during the flight, inform the flight crew as soon as possible. Delta flight crews are trained to provide special care to pets traveling with the airline and will be able to provide assistance and make arrangements for veterinary care if needed.


Travelling with your pet on Delta Airlines can be an exciting and memorable experience for both of you. By understanding the requirements, preparing your pet, and booking your flight with a pet in mind, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. From exploring new destinations to the comfort of in-cabin travel, Delta is dedicated to making your experience with your pet as enjoyable as possible. So, pack your bags and get ready for a new adventure with your furry best friend on Delta Airlines!